Mini Maestros Music and Movement Classes for 0-5’s
Believing in Every Child’s Potential
What We Do
We want your child to thrive, so we make it easy to support their well-being.
We embrace different learning styles and make learning fun.
We combine wonderful local communities with passionate music teachers, resulting in new friendships and creative, confident and expressive young minds and so much fun and laughter.
What We Want
We want every child to reach the primary school gates confident, excited to learn, and equipped with essential classroom skills and experience. We want every child to push those gates open with a skip in their step and a song in their heart.

Our 3 Step Process to Give Your Child the Best Start:
- Enrol in a Mini Maestros class.
- Let our age-appropriate, sequential, inclusive music and movement program provide a nurturing and fun space for you and your child to make social connections, develop confidence and be free to fully self-express.
- Celebrate and connect with your wonderful local community as you marvel in the positive developments your child makes giving them confidence and sense of well-being.