Meet The Franchisees – Kate Sadler Our Kew/Balwyn Franchisee

Kate Sadler is the Owner/Operator of our Kew/Balwyn Franchise. We asked Kate a few questions so you can get to know her better and this is what she had to say.

Kate Sadler

Kew/Balwyn Franchisee

Question 1: Assuming you already have food and water, what 3 things would you take to a deserted island?

“My family, my cat, and a device (and power) for playing music. Can’t live without my music.”

Question 2: Who is your favourite band/musician at the moment?

THE CAT EMPIRE. Sadly they played their last gig at the Byron Bay Bluesfest over Easter. Happily I was in the crowd.

Question 3: What superpower would you like to have and why?

To be able to wave a wand and things would be clean and tidy so I can get on with doing other things.

Question 4: What are 3 pieces of advice you would give to a child as they embark on their life’s journey?

1. Try to find joy in the smallest of things each day and breathe in that happiness.

2. Be true to you, don’t try to be who you think people want you to be.

3. Put on that music and dance everyday.

Question 5: What’s the best thing about being a Mini Maestros Franchisee?

Only one? I’ve narrowed it down to 3!

The smiles, laughter and pure joy of the children excitedly coming into class with something to share of their outside world.

Hearing a kindergarten group in the playground singing as I leave, a song they’ve learnt in the class just had.

The support and friendship, especially during Covid, of other franchisees.