What Happens in Term 3?

Term 3 is a turning point in the year; we see many students achieve break-throughs in class in their learning and development as confidence and independence grow.

Children will continue to extend their musical skills through a range of activities, many of which are centred around the themes of Animals and Transport.

During Term 3 the 6 – 15 month olds will…

continue to build on their listening skills by playing percussion instruments in stop and start activities. Prop and puppet activities will help extend their concentration and eye tracking skills. Babies will develop a feeling for musical phrasing through peek-a-boo activities, lap plays and movement activities. They will continue to participate in dances with their carers to reinforce a steady sense of beat and listen to different styles of music. As they become older they will begin to watch others in the room and start to copy what they see in action songs and instrumental activities.

During Term 3 the 1-2 year olds will…

continue to build on their listening skills by playing percussion instruments in stop and start activities. Prop and puppet activities will help extend their concentration and focus. Children will enjoy coming out from under their scarves and saying ‘boo!’ to everyone in peekaboo songs. At this stage of the year the children will also enjoy showing everyone what actions they would like to do for the Welcome Song, sometimes without their carers’ help!

During Term 3 the 2-3 year old children will…

reinforce their understanding of tempo and dynamics through a range of songs and movement activities. They will develop their dramatic play skills with songs such as ‘Five Little Ducks’ and ‘Miss Polly Had a Dolly’. Children will continue to play percussion instruments to explore the elements of music and will begin to participate in simple group and individual performance activities. As their language skills develop, they will start talking about the music they hear and the activities they participate in.

During Term 2 the 3-4 year old children will…

continue to consolidate their understanding of dynamics (piano/forte) and tempo (lento/presto) through singing, moving and playing instruments. They will learn about the elements of music through the theme of ‘transport’, singing and moving to songs about cars, buses, trains and trams. Children will extend their understanding of high and low by learning about where these sounds live in the ‘Music House’ (music staff). The lessons will continue to offer children opportunities to make choices about how they perform musical works and to perform in front of the group.

During Term 2 the 4-5 year old children will…

extend their reading skills and be introduced to basic melodic notation. They will learn to follow simple two-note melodies on the music staff and sing them before transferring them to their chime bars. Children will play musical games that further develop their listening skills and require them to sing solos. They will also build on their understanding of rhythm and start to make crotchets (taa) and quavers (ti-ti) conscious. They will learn how to draw these notes and how to sight read basic rhythm patterns. Children will participate in ensemble activities using their chime bars and a range of percussion instruments.